
京料理 和食-Washoku

京都-Kyoto is one of the most famous travel destinations.
It came to be the capital city 平安京-Heiankyo in 794.


御造り-Otsukuri, sashimi

焼き物-Yakimono, roast fish

蒸し物-Mushimono, steamed egg hotchpotch

These are the traditional Japanese foods.
和食 uses the freshness of the ingredients and
enjoy a sense of the season.

net Japanese study classroom 
mail: info@nsc-3860.com
tel: +81 89 931 3860
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan


We hava a bad time...

We have never experienced an earthquake and seismic sea wave like this.
Of course this small island is quake-prone area,
so we are prepared for earthquakes and get smarter from them.
However, this is so far from our knowledge and experience.


                                                           緑川真実撮影 (産経新聞)

                                                        橋本昌宗撮影 (産経新聞)

We should try to stay positive though many difficulties of existence break out.
Japan appreciates everything and everybody in the world who helps us.
Thanks a lot.