
Four-character 七転八起(shichi ten hakki)

There are a lot of Four-characters in Japanese.
When a saying is used at just the right time,
it is like the sharp knife.

七転八起"shichi ten hakki" means that
life has its ups and downs,
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com
net Japanese study classroom 
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan

ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
mail: info@nsc-3860.com

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