
虚心坦懐(kyosin tankai) - open mind, candor

虚心坦懐(kyosin tankai)

Meaning: open mind, candor.
Not having the ill feeling in the mind and being obedient, calm, unprejudiced.

ex. It is important for us to hear what someone has to say with open mind when we spot him.


Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com

net Japanese study classroom 
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan

ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


温故知新(onko chishin) - learn from the past

温故知新(onko chishin)

Meaning: Learn from the past. Utilize lessons from the past.
Doing research a past fact, and open the new knowledge and the opinion.
From The Analects of Confucius

ex. We should study the history by the spirit of utilizing lessons from the past.



Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com

net Japanese study classroom 
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan

ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


Oda Nobunaga(織田信長), a general...

Oda Nobunaga(織田信長1534-1582) is
a general of Azuchi-Momoyama Period from Warring States Period.

His will of dominating the whole coutry was finished
by a rebellion at Honnoji Temple in Kyoto.
Its main rebel was Akechi Mitsuhide(明智光秀)of his vassal.
It was told that he did Seppuku(切腹 a ritual form of suicide)
in a room burnig brightly.

             「本能寺焼討之図(honnouji yakiuchi no zu)」 by 楊斎延一(Yousai Nobukazu)

*Images by Wikipedia

Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com

net Japanese study classroom 
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan

ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


Four-character 七転八起(shichi ten hakki)

There are a lot of Four-characters in Japanese.
When a saying is used at just the right time,
it is like the sharp knife.

七転八起"shichi ten hakki" means that
life has its ups and downs,
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com
net Japanese study classroom 
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan

ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


Movie of private lesson and "Kayabuki Yane" a peculiar roof

A scene of class for private lesson is opened at YouTube.
This private math class is for junior high school studnet.
Check this movie!

Introduce Japanese house of "Kayabuki Yane".
This house has a peculiar roof.
We call this roof "Kayabuki Yane" .
"Yane" means roof in English. 
You can see this type in the country.
*Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com
net Japanese study classroom 
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan

ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


Scene of class at YouTube

A scene of class is opened at YouTube.
This math class is for junior high school students in Japanese.

Please check it out and imagine what web class is.


*Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com

net Japanese study classroom 
(ehime net study classroom)
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan
ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
(ehime net study classroom)
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


Introduce Kanji 道 - michi

Hallo, I'm Oikawa.

Today's Kanji is 道-michi.

道-michi means street simply.

But michi come to wear a lot of meanings by connecting other Kanji.
For example,
武道-budo(the precepts of the samurai)
剣道-kendo(Japanese swordsmanship)
北海道-hokkaido(one of Japanese local public entity)

A simple word sticks easily to other words.

*Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com

net Japanese study classroom 
(ehime net study classroom)
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan
ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/
(ehime net study classroom)
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


To Kouchi(高知) and popular samurai Ryoma Sakamoto

We have just arrived at our office.

To expand our business we visited Kouchi-ken(高知県).
Kouchi is next to Ehime-ken(愛媛県) where our head officce is opened.

Kouchi is famous for Ryoma Sakamoto
who is popular samurai among Japanese.

Will you learn Japanese on online?
Now, we are accepting the student of the free trial study.
If the person understands English,
the age is not asked.
Because there is only a system of an English version.
Please contact us.
e-mail info@nsc-3860.com

net Japanese study classroom 
facebook http://www.facebook.com/ (ehime net study classroom)
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan
ねっと学習教室 愛媛.com
twitter  http://twitter.com/nsc_ehime
facebook http://www.facebook.com/(ehime net study classroom)
mail: info@nsc-3860.com


Takamatsu Kagawa "Sanuki Udon"

Today, we went to Takamatsu Kagawa in Japan.
Takamatsu is famous for "Sanuki Udon".
It is elastic and delicious.
Two big "Tempura" of lobster is wonderful!

To American, Malaysian, Singaporean, and other coutryies people
will you learn Japanese on online classroom?
Contact us!
Next time we are going to introduce Japanese foods too.


net Japanese study classroom 
facebook http://www.facebook.com/ (ehime net study classroom)
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan


Introduce Kanji 忍 ― nin

Today's Kanji is 忍-nin.

忍-nin is, for example, used like 忍者-Ninja
Ninja is person who uses art of invisibility and
sneaks in to the enemy to get information.
In addition, 忍-nin means enduring, to hide.

net Japanese study classroom 
facebook http://www.facebook.com/ (ehime net study classroom)
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan


Introduce Kanji  侍 - samurai

Kanji is intoroduced, 侍-samurai.

侍-samurai is famous for all over the world as what people imagine Japan.
Today in Japan, real samurai don't exist, but samurai spirit is in Japanese mind.

net Japanese study classroom 
tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan


Tonkotsu Ramen 豚骨ラーメン

Yesterday aftere the work I ate "Tonkotsu Ramen" near our oficce.
"Tonkotsu Ramen(豚骨ラーメン)" is the noodle with soup from pig's bone.

"Kotteri" is thick taste, "Assari" is thin.
Picture is "Assri".

net Japanese study classroom 

tel: +81 89 931 3860 
2F 2-2-6 Tsukamoto Matsuyama Ehime
790-0916 Japan


twitter going on


We start twitter and introduce Japanese(hiragana/katakana/kanji), culture of Japan etc.
Follow us!


net Japanese study classroom 


Teacher introduction 3

Teacher Akiko Shoji

She has the experience of cram school and tutorial.
She is a teacher with a wonderful smile.

net Japanese study classroom 


Teacher introduction 2

Teacher Jun Oikawa

He teaches Japanese at a basic level in detail and politely.
He is from Keio University and teaches the writing of Japanese sentences.

net japanese study classroom 


Teacher introduction

I introduce our teachers in the net study classroom.

Teacher Tominaga has teached for 30 years!

He teaches widely from the examination measures to the class supplementary lessons of the school.
From Ehime University.
He is a calm, gentle teacher.

net japanese study classroom 

Web class scenery

Web class scenery of junior high school student in Japan

It is possible to question in real time at home.

It is popular in polite guidance.


Will you  happily study Japanese?


Did you eat?

"Takoyaki" is popular in the Shanghai Expo. Snack of Japan that sells as flying
It is delicious.
Please come to Japan once and eat by all means.

My home homemade Takoyaki !!
Various information is sent.
Moreover, please look.



Thank you for the blog access.

Thank you for the access a lot.
DOUGO hot spring at night
It might be beautiful.
The mind and the body get warm.
It will take a rest tomorrow.
Moreover, it is next.



It is completion.


As for us, the preparation was complete!

Japanese can be readily studied.
It is possible to study while you are in home.

For example,
will you learn for the Japanese tourist's attracting customers?
will you who are going to visit Japan learn Japanese?

Please inquire by all means.


Step by step


Are there people who want to learn Japanese?

The preparation is advanced with steady steps today.

We think about three Japanese courses.
1. biginner's class  course of Japanese hiragana and katakana
2. middle class  course of conversation in Japanese daily life
3. senior class  course of history of Japan
Please comment if there are an opinion and a question that it wants to learn these kind of things of Japan.


coming soon


The studying Japanese classroom starting a course attended the class on the web while it is in home is prepared just now. It reports here as soon as the preparation of starting a course is complete. Please wait for a while.